The guidebook

These 5 keys supercharge your team

It’s no secret that many employees would rather have better benefits than to just take extra money or a higher paying job. Benefits unlock more than just fulfilling material needs, they touch on something rooted much deeper in our psyche. They flip switches that...

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You Need to Start Optimizing This Metric Now

When you are talking to your marketing director or agency, you know just as well as I do that they do a great job pulling out the acronyms to make sure they show they are using all the popular marketing methods to grow your business. If I don't hear SEO, PPC, SEM,...

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5 quick wins you can use in your service business.

Our jobs have given us the ability to work with a wide variety of businesses. Because of this, we see certain trends with different business categories that give us quick wins in implementing new sales techniques. This week we are highlighting some quick tips you to...

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Is Negativity Killing Your Advertising?

I'm sure this article is going to spawn some disagreements. There are many in the ad industry that still use this technique to advertise their clients, but I think it’s cheap and completely lacking in creativity. They use it because it's effective, it gets people's...

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5 Superpowers Your Website Should Have

Caution! Application of these superpowers could cause mass spikes in sales, better marketing information and a more cohesive strategy. Use these superpowers at your own risk. The ability to detect specific market trends. Now, for a second, I'm going to assume that...

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You’re the biggest problem with your advertising

One of the biggest joys of my job is working with a wide variety of businesses to tackle a wide variety of problems. When walking through that clients door for for the first time you experience a flurry of excitement, exhilaration, enthusiasm and even the occasional...

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Simple Truths About Freelancing

I remember walking out the door of my last job, on my last day, saying, “I’m not spending my life working for another man’s dream.” I had finally felt the call of the freedom of freelancing and responded with a wholehearted letter of resignation. It was my moment to...

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5 Shortcuts to Keep From Spreading Yourself Too Thin

Stretching Yourself Too Thin Is A Task Better Served By Mr. Fantastic: Every business owner or manager finds themselves frustrated and frazzled at one time or another. There are jobs that need to be done and there are jobs that just take up time.

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Track Everything

“Marketing is free, when you do it right. In fact, if we don’t make you more money than you make us; than, you should fire us.”
This is what we tell our clients during every pitch. This is what we tell our team during brain-storming sessions. This is what we tell ourselves during the decision-making process of every marketing campaign

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Key Takeaways From 7 Great Website Designs

Changing the look and feel of your ordinary website isn't just possible, it's easier then you think. Every great site has 7 critical design elements; the header, the sidebar, the logo, the footer, the images, the overall UI, and the color scheme.  If you follow this...

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