Stretching Yourself Too Thin Is A Task Better Served By Mr. Fantastic:
Every business owner or manager finds themselves frustrated and frazzled at one time or another.
There are jobs that need to be done, clients that need to be contacted, and only one of you! These business shortcuts can help you from running yourself ragged.
5. Delegate or Outsource Time Consuming or Skill Intensive Tasks
Your time is valuable. In a business there are many tasks that can take precious time away from your busy schedule. There is no rule that says you have to do everything. Sometimes there are business tasks that should be completed by others. If you are not an accountant, outsourcing your payroll and taxes to an accountant can eliminate many headaches and worries. A professional website designer may do a much better job than you ever could designing the company’s website. Take a look at the tasks necessary to run your business and compare it to the skills you possess. There may be many ways to delegate these tasks so that you can accomplish your business goals.
4. Concentrate on Business Building
how to stop from getting burnt out
It may seem like a no brainer, but the focus of your business needs to be on making money.
Developing new streams of revenue, building sales, responding to customer inquiries, and sending client invoices are much more important than constantly tweaking a company facebook page. If you aren’t making money, your company does not stay afloat. Answer customer inquiries as soon as possible, within one day if possible. Develop new ideas to make money from services related to your main business. The majority of your tasks as business owner or manager should lead to bringing in profits to grow your business.
3. Organize Your Tasks and Ideas
You have tons of ideas & tasks on your to do list. How can you make sure everything gets done? Planning and organizing are key to any business success. Each morning before you start work, make a list of your most important tasks of the day. This may be clients who need to be called, emails you need to write, or vendors you need to order parts from. Keep your list handy throughout the day, either on a sheet of paper or in your smartphone. Cross things off as you complete the tasks, and add items if necessary. At the end of the day, make a list of things you know will need to be completed the next day, or were not able to finish. This helps keep the organization process run smoothly.
2. Use Technology to its full potential
There are a wide variety of tools available to help you run your business successfully. Smartphones and programs like Skype and Google Hangouts have made it possible for small companies to bring their business international. Calendar and email providers have tools to help you organize and stay in touch. Documents and files can now be stored on the cloud for easy access to everyone who needs them. Are you fully using the tools available to you? Do you need tools to help you communicate better? Take a look at what your company needs, and what is available. Utilizing technology effectively can not only save time and frustration, it can be cost effective, as well.
1. Make Sure That the Product or Service You are Offering is the Best
If nobody wants what you are offering, your business will never succeed. If the product or service is low quality, customers will not return. Conduct research before starting your business or introducing a product to see if there is a need that your product can fill and consumers would be willing to pay to meet that need.
Make certain that you are giving your customers value for their dollars by ensuring your product’s quality. Once your product is available to consumers, direct Q/A testing on a regular basis so you are certain every product meets your standards. If you are a service business, Q/A testing can be done in survey format. You may even want a third party to conduct the market testing (like Noble Creative 🙂 to eliminate bias. If you know what you are giving your customers, you can feel confident that your name is attached to your product.
Guest post by: Jayla Barnsen. Jayla is a freelance blogger from Eugene, Oregon. She writes on a variety of topics, including technology, saving money and the great outdoors. She is also a health fanatic and loves to find new great recipes to try. You can follow Jayla on Google+